All asylum-seekers in Romania have rights and obligations. It is very important that you know your rights and obligations.
Your rights and obligations are communicated to you when you register your asylum application. The non-governmental organizations (or ONG in Romanian) working at the Regional Centres can read these rights and obligations again for you and help you understand them.
Below are some of your main rights and obligations as an asylum-seeker.
Asylum procedure, Counselling and Information
Among others, you have the right to:
- Be assisted by a lawyer during the asylum procedure
- Contact and be assisted by a non-governmental organization (NGO, or ONG in Romanian) or UNHCR
- Be provided with a free of charge translator during the asylum procedure
- Receive information in a language that you understand or is reasonably assumed you understand
- Access your personal asylum file and request copies of it, based on a request
Among others, you have the obligation to:
- Accept photographing and finger-printing procedures
- Give real and complete information regarding you and the reasons you need protection
- Hand over all the documents relevant to your asylum claim
- Provide all the documents regarding your identity (including passport)
- Follow your asylum procedure, attend the asylum interviews and do not leave the country irregularly
- Abide by the laws in Romania
Accommodation and Residence
You have the right to:
- Be accommodated in a Regional Centre, if you do not have enough financial resources.
- Remain in Romania throughout the entire asylum procedure
- Receive a temporary identification document
You have the obligation:
- Not to leave the place of residence without the permission from the General Inspectorate for Immigration
- To inform the authorities in five days of any change in your residence (if you chose to live outside a Regional Centre)
- To leave the country in case your asylum applications was finally rejected and you do not have any other legal right to stay in Romania
You also have the obligation to respect the rules of the Regional Centre where you are living. Read more in the section “Living in a Regional Centre”.
Not respecting the rules of the Regional Centre can have serious consequences. Sanctions may include: not receiving the financial assistance of 6 lei/day for a period between one and three months, or your temporarily or permanently eviction from the Reception Centre. You will have the right to challenge the sanction. If you find yourself in this situation, contact an NGO working at the centre to find out what are your options.
Material Assistance
You have the right to:
- Receive financial assistance for food (10 lei/day/person) and other expenses (6 lei/day/person), in case you do not have any financial means to support yourself. If eligible, you will receive the financial assistance twice per month.
- Receive financial assistance to buy adequate clothing, twice per year, depending on the season: 100 lei/person/winter season and 67 lei/person/summer season.
- Receive additional social assistance, according to the national legislation and depending on your individual situation and needs. You can ask a representative of an NGO if this applies to your situation.
Medical Assistance
You have the right to receive free basic medical assistance and treatment, emergency medical assistance in a hospital and free medical treatment for acute or chronic illnesses which put your life in immediate risk. If you have special medical needs, you have the right to receive proper medical care based on your condition.
After applying for asylum, you will have the obligation to attend a medical examination to establish your health situation. Information regarding your medical situation will remain confidential. It is important you tell the doctor if you have any medical problem or if you are taking any medicine, so that you receive assistance as soon as possible.
Your right to medical assistance will not be suspended under any circumstances.
Children, meaning all those below the age of 18, have the right to go to kindergarten and school under the same conditions as Romanian children. In order to help them integrate at school, children can attend Romanian language classes. Education is very important and children should go to school as soon as possible. Ask the personnel of the Regional Centre and the NGOs for help so that the children go to school.
You have the right to work in Romania in 3 months after you applied for asylum. You can do this under the same conditions as Romanian citizens, meaning you don’t need a work permit. If you were residing and working legally in Romania at the time you applied for asylum, you can continue working. In both situations, you should ask the General Inspectorate for Immigration to issue you a document certifying you have the right to work in Romania.