You are granted refugee status or subsidiary protection depending on the reasons on which your asylum claim is based upon. These forms of protection will give you specific rights in Romania.

Why did I receive refugee status?

You were granted refugee status in Romania if it was established that you have a well founded fear of persecution in your country of origin or your country of habitual residence (in case you are a stateless persons) on account of your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or the fact that you belong to a particular social group.

Why did I receive subsidiary protection?

You were granted subsidiary protection if it was established that although you do not fulfil the conditions for being recognised as a refugee, you have a real fear of being subjected to a serious risk, either because you could be sentenced to death or such a punishment may be executed, or because your fear torture or other ill treatment, or you would risk a serious threat to your life or integrity due to generalised violence caused by an armed conflict in your country.

Is the protection received for a limited period of time?

You were granted refugee status or subsidiary protection for an indefinite period of time, until the reasons for which you received protection no longer exist. You will obtain a temporary residence permit, and you will have the possibility to renew it.

What rights and obligations will I have?

Generally, you will have the same rights and obligations as Romanian citizens (except the right to vote and other specific situations). For example, you will be able to work, to access education, and social assistance. You will also have to comply with all legal obligations that Romanian citizens have, such as paying taxes, health insurance and assuming responsibility for any unlawful conduct.

It is highly recommendable you enrol and actively participate in the state integration programme meant to support your integration in Romania. You will not be able to benefit of this specific programme if you do not enrol in time.

What should I do after I receive protection?

Immediately contact the integration officer and the NGOs working at the Regional Centre to discuss your rights and obligations, how to access the integration program and how to receive support.

You will find more information about the integration program and your rights and obligations in Romania by visiting the website “Romania e acasa” or the website of the General Inspectorate for Immigration.

You can also access the information material “My First Steps in Romania – Practical Guide” (developed by the Romanian National Council for Refugees/CNRR).

Can I travel outside Romania?

You can apply for a travel document/passport, for which you will have to pay. The document will differ according to the form of protection you received (refugee status or subsidiary protection).

Many countries in Europe do not ask refugees for visas. However, most countries in Europe require persons with subsidiary protection to hold visas. Even in situations when you are not required to have a visa, you may have to comply with other requirements for entering a specific country.

Before travel, always check with the embassy of the country you want to travel to or transit what are the entry conditions, in order to avoid unpleasant situations!

Can I bring my family to Romania?

If you have been separated from your family members, they may join you in Romania under particular conditions. There are two different procedures which can help refugees and persons with subsidiary protection to reunite with their families after receiving protection in Romania. For each procedure there are particular conditions.

You can find out more information about these procedures in the leaflet produced by the Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR). For counselling, please contact CNRR.

Can I complain against the GII/IGI decision granting me subsidiary protection?

Yes, you have the right to challenge the decision in court if you consider you should have received refugee status based on your asylum claim. The steps and deadlines are the same as those for complaining against a negative decision (see above). The court may decide to: maintain the subsidiary protection; grant you refugee status; or not give you any form of protection. You will continue to be an asylum-seeker until the court procedure is finalised. It is important you contact a legal counselor to discuss your specific situation before taking a decision.