Once you arrive at the Regional Centre, you will have to register.
Why is registration neccessary?
Although you are considered an asylum-seeker from the moment you ask for asylum, in writing or verbally, the authorities will not be able to analyze your application and you will not have access to certain rights if you are not registered.
What will I be asked?
You will be asked to give your personal details (ex: surname, name, country of origin, date of birth, language) and other information about how you came to Romania. You will be asked to write in a language you know about the reasons why you had to leave your country and why you asked for asylum in Romania.
It is very important to be as specific as possible in the information you provide to the authorities. It is equally important to say the truth about your age, your situation and your needs, in order to receive proper support as soon as possible.
Will I be fingerprinted and photographed?
Yes, your photo and fingerprints will be taken. This may not be the first time you are fingerprinted. This is because different authorities have different procedures. Your fingerprints will be introduced in the so-called EURODAC database. If you leave Romania to apply for asylum in another country which applies the Dublin Regulation, you will be identified based on these fingerprints and you may be sent back to Romania. You will receive an information material regarding EURODAC and Dublin Regulation, translated in several languages.
If you refuse fingerprinting, your registration procedure will not be finalized.
What documents do I have to give?
You will also be asked to give all personal identification documents that may help establish your identity, such as your passport. You will get a temporary identification document proving you are an asylum-seeker in Romania. You will receive an information material regarding the asylum procedure in Romania, and your rights and obligations as an asylum-seeker.
Will I have a translator in my language?
Depending on the language you speak and availability, a translator may be present to help you and the officer to communicate during the registration procedure.
What documents do I need to sign?
If you need financial assistance or accommodation at the Regional Centre, you will have to sign some additional papers. For example, if you will stay at the Regional Centre, you will sign a paper in which you state that you will respect the Internal Regulation of the Centre (what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do). You will receive a copy of the Internal Regulation, available however only in a few languages. For more details, go to the section on Accommodation.